Friday, November 27, 2009

In Time of Thanks

I was able to go to my grandma's house for thanksgiving this year and i must say that it was a different experience then all the other years. It is a tradition that we go to my grandma's house for the holidays. It is so much fun because all the relatives get together and we play cards, watch family videos and tell stories. This year i was dissappointed a little bit because things were a lot different. Most of the family came but not all, the people that did come could only stay for a little bit, and all we did was eat dinner. We didnt do our traditional cards or watch movies. It was different but i was still grateful for the people that did make it. It amazing to see all my little cousins growing up so fast! I remember when i was able to hold them in my arms when they were first born. Now I'm giving them piggy back rides and playing hide and seek. Getting ready for my mission is hard because I really have to make every moment count and try to make the best memories behind each day. I wont be able to spend another thanksgiving with everyone for another 2 years or splurge on another black friday for a little while.

Im so thankful for the friends i have right now. Amanda, Shelby, Dallas, Justin, Kyle, Chris, Mike, just to name a few. I recently just made these friends through church and school. They set me on the right path and keep me on that path if im starting to slide off a little. Amanda has been a one of a kind girl. Im so thankful for her, and how she set me on that path i am now and the decisions im making because of her. THANK YOU!

My faith is something that im thankful for to. I know it doesnt come to you just like that. You have to build it and keep it going. But im thankful for how strong it is right now in my life and they great things that have come from it.

1 comment:

  1. that was good :D you copy catter.
    Just to name a few.
    BAHAH jk i don't mind.
    Thankful for you too kid.
