Friday, November 20, 2009


No no no these are not my kids. I wish! they are the cutest little guys in the world!
Family should be everyone's top priority. They are always there for you and love you more then anyone ever could. They give you the best advice and know you the best. There are different types of families out there that people are apart of. There is your immediate family and then people also like to call people that they are close to family. Such as church organizations, neighbors or sports teams. If you are able to build a strong enough relationship with someone in order for you to feel comfortable enough to call them family, i know that you will be able to benefit from them in many ways and be able to live with them by your side for a very very very long time.

My family is the greatest family in the world! Everyone can and should say this about their own family. We have our imperfections just like everyone else and we try our best to learn from them and have those imperfections make our family stronger.

Henny Kenny (Dad)

This man has taught me so many things, most of them cant be taught in a classroom. From all the things there is to know about Jeeps and cars, to girls and friends, and life. I find myself having a lot of deep conversations with him about whatever comes about. We have many clashes with certain things but that doesnt come in between the love i have for him. He can get on my nerves sometimes but i just get him right back so i think we can call it even:) I look forward for him to take my kids on long fun SAFE jeep rides and spoiling them rotten with candy that he has found from my moms secret stash. (she thinks we dont know where it is SHHHH)


Where to start... She is what keeps me going through the hard times when i dont see a reason to go on anymore. When i see no point of getting out of bed, when i dont want to go to school, when im down and out because of some type of depression, she is right there talking me through the situation telling me how she loves me so much and that i will be able to get through it. I have a relationship with her that is so close its like we read each others minds hahah. If im having a bad day, she knows about it before i even walk in the door. Of course ill deny it and say im having a great dandy day but that NEVER convinces her. I feel comfortable talking to her about anything life brings to me. She has made me a strong person and has made me the Sid i am today. I have done things behind her back but she always forgives me and doesnt love me any less.

Lil' Sis

Alex is such a wonderful woman. I say woman because she is almost as tall as me now and i remember her being a little tyke that i could push around and stack my Hot Wheels around her crib. Now she has grown up and can defend herself a little better haha. We get in our tussles all the time and i do wish that her and i were a little closer because you just never know when you wont be able to. She teaches me so many different values that i live my life on presently. She doesnt think that i love her and sometimes my actions do say that but i dont know what i would do without her being my wonderful little sister. I cant wait until i can go play some back yard football or go have a guys night with her husband. Better not be anytime soon missy!

Stink Mut (Lexi)

Some people go through their pets like its nothing and they arent effected by them at all. With me it's a totally different case. Lexi, my little doggy, is such a wonderful little pet:) I have had her since she was 3 months old and now she is around 12. I always get her age mixed up. She always listens when there isnt anyone to talk to. Weird huh?? its not like she has anything better to do hahah but she knows when im feeling down. She is really old and its going to be hard for me to see her pass on. Another dog wont be able to fill her place.


  1. sid I love you so much but you must take that picture off of me and put a different one on. I mean if you are alright with that one so am I but just saying brother. I love your blogs! #1 fan!

  2. by the way sid i hope you and my husband get along well. Also your wife and i will be best friend :]] i <3 u sid!
