Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall down 7 Times, Stand up 8

This has been a saying I have lived with for as long as i can remember. It was my senior quote in Senior yearbook and I have tried to live it to the best of my abilities.

I saw this quote in a commercial for some NBA ad a long time ago and back then it did not really mean anything to me. Years after I saw it, it came back up again but in one of my religion classes during high school. Right there it hit me hard. If you really think about this saying it has such a deep meaning with only a couple of words jumping out at you.

What this saying means to me is that when your down and feel like you can't go on anymore, stand up twice as strong by learning from either the mistakes you've made or just a down experience. Make the best of everyday you live. Don't fret on things from the past, learn from those experiences and make yourself stronger from them.

If you're living your life down and out your going to miss out on a lot that this world has to offer for you. Don't get caught up in your emotions. Live your life for yourself but don't ignore advice another person has to offer you.

Fall down 7 times, stand up 8.

1 comment:

  1. Word. You're great!! (:
    You know exactly what you're talking about just put it into your life and I know when you're having rough times you can always talk to me! love ya kiddo!
