Friday, November 13, 2009

Time is too short.

So many things have inspired me to write about how time influences my life and what I do to make the best of it. I think about this almost everyday and think about what I can do to live each day to the fullest and not get so caught up in the worldly things society and the media forces us to live by.

Right now I am preparing myself to leave for a mission. I want to try and leave sometime during the month of June. I would like to call myself a recent covert to the Mormon religion because I was away from it for so long. I started going every Sunday starting last May and have loved it ever since. It really blows my mind that it has already been 6 months since I started going to church on a regular basis and now I'm already preparing myself to get ready for a mission. I absolutely cannot wait to leave and help people out that need me. Time is flying by and I really only have 6 1/2 months left before I leave. I try everyday to make the best of those days. I do this by not letting those downers get to me because it's really not worth it at all. I'm trying to spend as much time with my friends as possible. I have a neighbor name Dylan and he is 12 yrs old and I love that kid to death. I told him that I was going to be leaving on a mission and started to get all sad and said, "SID that's way too long for you to be gone! Who is going to come to my football games and take me to Harmons now?" It made me realize how hard this is going to be for me and what I'm going to have to risk losing when I leave. I know that the Lord will provide and he will take care of me and the things that I love the most will still be here for me when I come back.

Friends have played a big role in Time. I hung out with these group of kids all through my high school life and some even all the way back through elementary. I love these kids to death but in a matter of one short summer every single one of them went into a party stage and it hurt me so bad to see them go down this path. I chose to not hang out with them as much and it has been one of the hardest things I've had to deal with because I love them so much. I pray for them almost everyday and hope they are safe with whatever they do. On the other hand, while going to school at UVU, I have found a couple of guys that I talk to. They are awesome people that I try to follow close behind. In a matter of only knowing them for a couple of months, I feel like I have a relationship that has been building for years.

I recently read an amazing speech given by Thomas S. Monson called, "Finding Joy In the Journey." I advise everyone to read this because it changed my outlook on life and the simplicity of every single day. If you don't have time to read it, the main thing that I got out of it was to not be discouraged on what happened yesterday and do not worry about what could happen tomorrow, live your life today moment by moment and make the best of it. What ever life has to throw at you, whether it be good or bad, take it in, think about it and learn from it. If you have bad ties with someone, go and talk to them and make your relationship with them stronger. Don't take for granted that you will be able to do it on another day because freak accidents can happen and you won't ever to be able to see them again until you see them in heaven. It's not worth it to hate or dislike somebody because it takes so much to not like them. It takes half as much effort to have a good relationship with someone.

Hope you all enjoyed this. English class is over and IM OUT!!!!


  1. SID!! Great post man. It sounds like you have got a good head on your shoulders. And really the mission is hard, especially the sacrifices made to get there and i respect you a ton for making this decision, It is one of the most incredible experiences you will ever have in your whole life!! It really was the most exciting and awesome two years of my life. can't wait for you man!! Good luck. see you in P.E. ha ha

  2. Sid!!! You seriously are so amazing! I look up to you and I am so proud of you:) I wil miss you when you go but it will be such an amazing experiance!!!
