Tuesday, November 17, 2009

!Miss Amanda!

I could write pages and pages about this wonderful woman. She has been thee biggest blessing in my life. I can honestly say i would be a totally different person if i would have not met her. I "officially" met her in the very beginning of April. She knows what i mean by officially, very funny story behind it:) Anyways, i have been dating her for quit awhile now and have loved every single second of it. She makes me such a stronger person in so many ways. Even when im not with her i tend to base lots of important decisions as if she were there with me, right by my side. I met her at the perfect time in my life. I had the decision to go down one path and with meeting her i chose to follow a more spiritual path. I'm so grateful for this decision i have made because i am such a stronger person because of it and i thank her so much for that. She has taught me to be strong and to not judge people. She is key at this and gives everyone a chance even if they come off as being someone different. At first i didnt even care what someone had to say if i had never met them before. Now im more outgoing and like to meet new people and be myself in front of total strangers. I used to be a super shy person, and with her help that negative characteristic is slowly fading away. Hanging out with her is WOW i cant explain it in words! I love every second of it and jump on ever opportunity i can to hang out with her. She will agree with me:) From our hikes, concerts, movies, dances, and more to come. We are super crazy weird around each other and i never get embarrassed around her because we just make a joke around it and im comfortable doing anything in front of her. We have so much in common and can relate with one another with almost anything. Only really knowing her for 7 months does not justify anything because it feels like ive known her for all of my life. I know i can always depend on her for either that phone call or hug in the hard times when i need it most. I love everything i have with her right now and whatever happens will happen. I love her so much.

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