Thursday, November 19, 2009


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it is your destiny."
Every single one of us has a path that is already set for us. We can chose to follow this path and life will be very enjoyable, fun and some what easy. If we chose to go down another path we are going to work 2, 3, 4 times as hard in order to obtain happiness. You may feel the happiness and excitement for a couple days or during the weekends but it is not true happiness. You find that feeling by living your life to the fullest and avoiding those bad habits.

Watch your thoughts; they become words

If you start to think about how fun your day is going to be and how your going to make the best of it, it will tend to rub off on another person because you will be talking to them in a positive manner giving them healthy attention. If you wake up and think to yourself that there is no point to the day your about to live, your going to take out that anger on the individuals around you. This will make their day harder to enjoy.

Watch your words; they become actions

Actions do speak louder then words in most cases. Not all but most. When words and actions are tied together it can lead to a very strong emotion that can flow either way. If you have nice things to say to other people it can turn another persons day around. I know from my own personal experience that a simple loving action, such as a hug or even a simple recognition that i was there, made my day that much better and in certain times i needed something like that. If you have negative words to say, those words can lead into a major offense such as cussing at someone or doing some type of gesture.

Watch your actions; they become habits

If we live everyday with love towards one another, our loving actions towards one another can become habits that will just happen without any effort put into it. You wont even have to think about doing something nice for another individual because it will become a habit. You would have a reputation behind you that most people would love to have. You will be known as a person to always go to in time of despair or when that person just needs a good friend to talk to.

Watch your habits; they become character

This kind of goes with the one above. If you keep being a great friend and just be honest to everyone you come in touch with, people will have tons and tons of respect for you. Word will get around, and people will come to you that you dont even know having nothing but good to say about you just from word of mouth that other people have said about you. I know lots and lots of people that are lucky enough to have this happen to them. For example my boss, Brad, is such a loving, honest, caring, awesome guy. I could go on and on. He runs his own business and doesnt advertise for it. All of his customers are referrals from past customers he has helped. Everyone that comes in has nothing bad to say about him and new people come in all the time saying, "so and so told me your an awesome honest guy so thats why we picked you over a competitor."

Watch your character; it is your destiny

As you see, all of this leads to the person you chose to be and grow up as. It all starts out with a simple thought that pops into our head. It can be as simple as a thought that happens every once in awhile or be as serious as a thought that happens every single day of your life. Make your thought healthy ones because you can benefit from them in so many positive ways and find out what true happiness has to bring you. Sometimes we work really hard with all of these steps and somewhere along the line, we fall and mess up. At this point we have realized what we have done and as hard as it may seem, we start over again with our thought. I try to live by this quote because it is so strong yet so simple. I think people these days tend to read over a lot of important things and dont take the time to find the true meaning in certain things.

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