Monday, December 7, 2009

The Next 6 Months

If I have everything go the way i want to i will be able to leave for my mission around the Middle of June. I have tons of different feelings toward it. Almost all of them are great feelings but not all. The other feelings i have towards it is that im going to have to risk losing a lot of things. Such as relationships i have with people. This is one of the big things im going to have to deal with but im also going to have such a hard time with it. My dad is a stickler with my decision that ive made with the whole mission/religion. It hard for me to go on and know that i have his support through words but not his support through thought. When missionaries come to the door he shuts the door in their face and tells them they he isnt interested. I told him that if i have his support then why does he pretend to give me his support. He is pretty much shutting the door in my face and telling me that he isnt interested because i will one day here pretty soon be wearing a nice suit and will have a name tag saying Elder Morley.
It's hard to have this happen but i know that by having my make these decisions it will show him how serious i am with this and how happy i am and maybe he have a change of heart.
Everything that im involved in now is being effected with my decision for my mission. From school to friendships to relationships. It is so hard for me but i know that the end result is going to be great and that if i keep strong certain things will be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Sid,
    You are such an great guy. You will make the most amazing missionary! I don't think you need to worry about your relationships with other people. All those people can still love you from a distance and they WILL. I am really proud of you for your decision to serve. I know your dad is also proud of the person you are, even though he may not agree with your decision to serve a mission, he still loves you a lot. The end result really will be great and you bring joy to so many people!

    "There are few things in life that bring as much joy as the joy that comes from assisting another improve his or her life."
    Richard G. Scott - Ensign, Nov. 1997, 35
