Thursday, December 31, 2009


So Amanda, Shelby and I had this wild idea that we should go to Vegas for a day. The reason for this is because I had heard that they have a store down there that sells amazing suits for a really cheap price. This was just a thought we had that came up about a month ago. Christmas break rolled around and the though came back into our heads. We decided to get together and actually make things happen! We asked all the parents what they thought and with a little hesitation, they let us! This pretty much all happened the day before we wanted to leave. I woke up tuesday morning at 3 and arrived at Amanda's house at 4. As we got all packed up we went to Shelby's house and waited for her to come out. She is known to be a deep sleeper and slept through her alarms. Amanda and I didnt know what to do so we waited for about 10 mins and then left. As we were driving we felt really bad but there was nothing else we could of done. We started to drive through Orem, Utah and suddenly got a call from Shelby. We decided to pull over in a Target parking lot and waited for her to come meet us there. Within the next 20 mins we all met up and were back on the road again!

Immediately, Shelby and Amanda went right to sleep. It was just the Tunes and I driving with each other for 5 and a half hours! It was a pretty long trip but when the last hour rolled around everyone was wide away and going nuts! We wanted to get out of that car so bad. WE FINALLY GOT THERE! Our first stop was Las Vegas Outlet Mall. When we got there we ran to Paolo Giardini to get me some suits. Everything worked out perfectly and we were able to get out of there within 45 mins. We shopped around there for about an hour. Then TO THE STRIP! This was the best/worst part of the trip. The strip was so much fun! We were able to go to the M&M Factory, Coca-Cola Store, all the hotels, and see some crazy looking people.

We were all dead tired and I especially wasnt feeling to great just because the drive wore me out. We were making the best of it though. While walking the strip we took some funny pictures, walked in weird ways through casinos, and made jokes about all the weird looking people we saw. Even though we were having the time of our lives, we were also experiencing some negative actions. The way Las Vegas works is pretty ridiculous and low. With all the people on the corner handing out hooker cards to the billboards the line the street making people into objects, makes Vegas not the best place to be.
Now it was time to go home. We left around 6 and had heard that it had been snowing in Utah all day long so we were kind of worried about that. Amanda and I agreed that I would drive through all the canyons and she would drive the 2nd half. When my turn was over and it was her turn to drive, we were starting to hit the icy conditions. We said a prayer as we were driving through and I believe this helped us out a lot. Amanda was able to drive on the roads without a problem. She was afraid to pass the big trucks at first but after the first few she passed them with ease.

This was one of the best trips of my life and I will remember it for the rest of my life. We had so much fun dancing to LOUD techno music in my car, walking the strip and shopping of course. I was able to get my suits and then it hit me. I am going to be using those for my mission! I cant wait.
When is road trip number TWO!?!?!

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