Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Holidays are meant to bring out the joy in people and bring families together. It is a time to reflect on what happened through the year and if you made it a great one. It is a time to be loving and a time to help others out. With having this mindset it is hard to see what holidays do to certain people. It hurts me to see individuals fight over presents in the store because they think their kids are more grateful for the gift, to see the road rage on the freeways, and to see the selfish side of people come about.

With ending this wonderful year that I have been able to experience, I am looking back on what I have done. I graduated from high school! That was one of the most memorable moments of my life. I graduated from Juan Diego with a 3.5 gpa. When freshmen year started I wouldnt i dreamed to do that well. I'm thankful for the hard work that i put in school. I made the best memories with friends and teachers.

I met such an amazing person. She was able to keep me on track and get me involved in something higher than myself. With this happening it made me realize how happy I was becoming. It wasnt a happiness that lasted a couple of days. It was a feeling that I still posses today. With meeting her, I was then introduced to her family and her church family. They give me so much support with everything I do. I have never met such nice and loving people. They barely even knew me, yet they were willing to do what ever it takes to keep me determined and on the right path. I love them so much.

I made awesome memories with friends and people I hold close to me. I was able to go on a cruise with all my school buddies. That was honestly thee best vacation I have ever been on. We were able to spend a little over a week with each other in the Western Caribbean. I was also able to go to concerts that include The Fray and Jon Schmidt and probably more I just cant think of them. I got fired from Ikea and within 13 hours I was able to get a job at a place I absolutely love!!!

I started COLLEGE!!!! I was soooo scared to start college because I was doing it alone. It was something so different and so big to me. The first month was very difficult because I didnt know anyone. I kept pushing forward and was able to meet a couple of cool kids and found out that it wasnt as scary as I though it was.

I feel like I could of done so much more like help people out and go do charitable things. I did not get involved with anything like that. I did do certain little things here and there. As I look back on this last year, Im going to try and find the things that I lack and make them my strengths this next year. It's sad to see this year just pass by and leave but it makes me happy to think about all the new things that are waiting for me this next year. One Im soooooooo excited for!!!! BRING IT ON!!!

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