Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bad Things Happen To Good People

Okay I really had to stop everything I was doing so I wouldn't forget what I wanted to write about!

Just a couple of minutes I got done reading something in my scriptures. Jacob chapter 5. Its a really long passage and its about not giving up pretty much. This people had been working hard for years and years and never gave up and always gave people a second, third and forth chance. No matter how hard these people worked and how faithful they stayed, bad things were always happening to them and they just weren't getting a break from it all. After years and years finally things came around and when they did it was HUGE for all of them!

Im a weird kid but I really found this fascinating because when things dont go my way right then and there I want to give up and move on to the next thing waiting for me. Im a pretty patient guy but Im human and can get frustrated pretty easily. When things are hard for me, I really tend to wonder why in the world something like this could be happening to me and how could there ever be something good that could come from it. When it gets to this point I have two decisions I can make. I can just give up and take the easy way out OR I could tough it out, become stronger from the situation and know how to help other people that will be going through the same things that I have. It gives me that jump-start compared to other people.

Why do Bad things happen to good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people? It gets frustrating sometimes! It's hard when your really trying your best to be the best you can be and follow the path that is set for yo, and all of the sudden something annoying and dumb comes crashing into your life making you want to quit and give up. Most of the time I treat these things as a CHALLENGE! Only sometimes. I like to see what is put in front of me and see if I can accomplish it! I know that if I do, I will gain something to be a better person and HEY its a pretty good feeling! I look at my life and say that I have it bad, but then I look at some other family members or just people I know and.. WOW.. I have it soooo easy compared to them! The people that are strong with their faith are usually the ones that are happy no matter what comes their way. They are willing to take on anything as a challenge and over come it and then some.

Its kind of a depressing song but one song that reminds me of this topic is "Hold On" - Good Charlotte.
* Hold on if you feel like letting go, Hold on it gets better than you know. Don't stop looking, your one step closer. Don't stop searching it's not over. Hold on if you feel like letting go, Hold on it gets better than you know. Hold on!

1 comment:

  1. That's so true. Good things do happen to bad people. It's just a way of God testing us to see if we really are as strong as we sometimes think we are. Everyone is going to get tested at some point, even us good people. I thought the same thing when Chad died, and I just didn't understand. But he was needed up there. YOu kind of just have to rely on the Lord and he'll do everything how he has it planned. You can't see the big picture yet but when you are able to, it will all make sense.
