Friday, May 7, 2010

Stop and Smell the Roses

Isn't it weird how when we are little and young we wish we were older because we want more responsibility and we want to be able to stay up later on the weekends, get our drivers license, and move out. Whats even more strange is when we get older we wish so bad that we could still be those little kids that could find the best hiding spots while playing hide and seek, we didn't have to worry about what was for dinner because mom would have the table set and you would have family dinner almost every night, and you didnt have to be responsible for ANYTHING!

I know that I wish so bad that I was a little kid again. It was fun to have all the neighborhood friends and walking over to their house and spend hours on end hanging out with them. Those were the best friends you could find. Dont get me wrong though, I love growing up and experiencing all the things life has to bring me. Making new friends, going to college, going on a mission, and all the things yet to come.

I go through life way too fast though and I know most of us do. We dont take time to "stop and smell the roses". Meaning we dont take time and realize whats around us. I am caught up in a lot of worldly things and have the idea that I have to be doing something all the time. When I am just sitting around doing nothing I get flustered because I want to be doing something with my friends. I need to turn that idea around take advantage of it because there will be one day where it will be rare for me to find time to just relax and do ...NOTHING! Ill be on a mission where I have to work everyday all day for two full years, Ill come back after that and have a job while going to school at the same time, and dont even get me started on a family! It seems so far away but it will be here before I know it!

It takes to much effort to be down or to have a bad day, its so much easier and more fun to turn it around. When I do this I know it rubs off onto other people.

1 comment:

  1. Very true! I look up to you a lot for that post! I agree completely. especially right now in my life when all this change is going to come forth here soon...
    i have to take this post for seriousness lol!
    it sucks fast life goes. But at the same time, it's beautiful!
    Loved your post
