Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Countdown

So I havent blogged in theeee longest time!!!
I thought that I should change that soooo here we go!

I blogged a long time ago about starting up a mission and a couple of months later a lot of things have happen. I started my mission papers about 1 month ago and now I am almost done. It really does seem like time has flown by. When I was thinking about going on a mission, I thought that 8 months was soooo far away but now if everything goes the way I have planned I could be leaving in about 3 1/2 months to 4 months. Things could change but that seems like its tomorrow. I have a ton more to do like finish the Book of Mormon, grow an unbreakable testimony, and KNOW that I myself is ready to do the work of the Lord. Everyone that I have talked to has said its the best 2 years of their life but Im still scared to leave. The longest I have been away from my family is 5 days and its going to be weird to be away from them and everyone else for 2 SOLID years. To not be able to call them when I want and go to the traditional holiday dinners is going to be hard. BUTTTT its going to be awesome to spend those holidays with my future companion and future investigators. Its cool to think that there are people waiting for ME, ELDER MORLEY, to teach them something that they will be able to benefit from.

I am so grateful for all the support I have with everyone including my family, my church, my friends, and what I like to call my 2nd family (the good ol' nielsen family) they are truly awesome!!!!

Wish me luck!