Thursday, January 7, 2010


What would you do without mom's?
I can say that my mom is the best mom in the whole wide world. Her and I have such a deep and awesome relationship with one another. I find myself going to her for advice only SHE can give me. There are some topics that I cant talk to anyone else about. Even if it is something that is going to be totally weird to talk to her about, I'll still give it a chance and it always goes great. I can never ever ever be mad at her because if I am, she will take me out to get a drink or do one of her funny gestures just to make me laugh. Works every time no joke.
She ALWAYS knows when I have had or am having a bad day even if I try to hide it. I do not know how she does it. Ill be having the worst day ever and not want anyone to ask me what is wrong, so I'll walk in the door with a smile on my face and INSTANTLY she asks me what I am hiding and if there is anything she can do for me. Even though I told myself I did not want any help with the situation, her telling me that she is there for me makes me open up to her.
Tonight I had the opportunity to talk to her about what is going to be happening in the future and problems that I was facing currently. We talked about ..... pretty much everything one could think of. In the middle of our conversation she gave me the best compliment anyone has EVER ever given me in my whole life.
It went something like this. She was talking about how whenever there is a problem in our household, she can count on me to make the situation end up with smiles on everyones faces. She told me that, "I'm the spring air that hits you when you open up the front door on the first day of spring." It took me awhile to think about what she meant and then she went on to explain it a little better. She told me that my presence in the house makes her smile and she trusts me so much. If she is having a bad day she will come to me and tell me what is wrong and without me even knowing it, I make her day turn around by pretty much doing nothing at all.
I miss all the times she would pick me up from the street and wash away my cuts and bruises. I miss her taking me up to our favorite sledding hill in our old neighborhood. I miss our long walks in Sugarhouse Park. I miss everything about my childhood. I'm looking forward to what the future has in store for both of us. I cannot wait to see what will happen.
Mom i love you so much!